Sunday, July 15, 2007

Sad News from Klipkop

If I have shown you my pictures then you have heard about one of the dogs at Klipkop, Smiley. She probably more than any of the others (sorry Piggie) stands out as "the" Klipkop dog.

Word arrived early this morning from South Africa that she needed to be put down. This past Wed she was put down so she would avoid suffering from the final stages 0f lymphoma. She was about 7 years old and had made Klipkop here home for 3 of those years. Smiley was one of those dogs that when met, you knew you had met something very special. You can also see her in my August 14, 2005 post. She was resting under the bakkie probably so that she didn't miss the next crew headed out.