Sunday, July 24, 2005

Sunday night 7/24

I got back from Southern California yesterday. Robbie and i drove across country with my stuff - it's in storage in Venice Beach now. We made a stop at the Petrified Forest / Painted Desert; hiked in 110 degree heat in J Tree; 120 degree heat to the MASH site in the Santa Monica Mtns; and finally just hung out on the beach. This is us hiking at the top of San Jacinto Mtn. It was a fantastic trip, but that's another story.

Just 4 1/2 days until i leave for Africa. I will be flying out of Philly to JFK where i will catch a flight to Johannesburg. I think there is one refueling stop - in Dakar. Basically, allowing for the time change, it looks like nearly 24 hours of traveling. Most of my time will be in South Africa. I have committed to 4 weeks of volunteer work on a reserve called Klipkop. I have 2 more weeks of time on the continent after that. I will either extend my time at Klipkop or I may travel around Southern Africa. There is a rumor 2 friends may join me for the last 2 weeks. I am pretty excited about it all.

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