Saturday, September 03, 2005

peaceful day

Not really a whole lot more to add today. I am back at Klipkop and the new volunteers are here. One guy from Ireland, Conner; A married couple British and Thai; a couple girls from the states and a girl from Ecuador. They are a lot of fun. Right now they are all on the way to the Apartheid Museum so I am really the only one at the reserve – me and 8 dogs and about 6 cats along with all the other things out on the reserve itself. Yesterday some new antelopes were released onto the reserve. I drove the new group out to watch the release but we were too late. The good news though is that we came across the new animals on the way out. It was 4 female waterbuck. It was pretty cool… As we’re driving out I see these four antelope and was pretty quickly able to tell they were waterbuck, which are not animals that were on the reserve. I felt like I knew a little bit about a little bit.

I think I will pretty much spend the day reading and relaxing, maybe a walk. I’m looking forward to it.

Tomorrow I am spending the afternoon at De Wildt Cheetah Research Centre.

This is a pic I took of Vic Falls from the Ultralight.

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