Wednesday, August 03, 2005

work's begun - itain't so easy!

It’s Wed evening about 8:20 PM. (2:20 at home)
Wow, I don’t know where to start and I know I will miss much. I have now seen eland, impala, zebra, jackal, and ostrich in addition to all the others I have mentioned. Actually, I see them all many times a day. The jackal was scared out of the brush towards me – about 8 feet away from me when he say me. The zebra are awesome. Saw a herd of 6 today.

Yesterday we spent the day digging and cleaning out an area for a “road.” AN area is being added to the preserve and we need to be able to get trucks in to put up fencing. Very difficult work clearing trees and rocks. The rocks are from a village of about 200 people that existed in the 1830’s. They had about 1,000 cattle and lived in round stone huts. The huts are long ago demolished – a Zulu tribe killed all the men in the village and captured the women and children for slaves.
This morning we did a fence walk – checking for caught animals and holes needing to be filled. Plenty of holes; no animals. I got to drive the buckey (pick-up) through the preserve this morning. 4X4 roads through the bush.
This afternoon was a trip to civilization to get some supplies. The stark difference is indescribable. All along the way were many many South Africans walking home from their work.
All the volunteers are here. 5 guys: 2 from Germany; 1 kiwi; and 2 Americans. The kiwi and the Germans want to know why we can call the World Series a “world” series when we play no one else from outside the US? Anyone know? J 5 girls” 3 Americans, 1 Dutch; 1 Brit. Great group.
I still am undecided about my time in September. I may stay. I may go. My friends from home are no longer able to come.

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